This website, as you can tell, is a work in progress, just like any other website on the world wide web. The reason why this website functions the way it does is because of the hard work and dedication and attention to detail of both of our team and you, our viewers. That’s right. You play a big role in taking this website to the next level.
A lot of people think that they just go here and they will be able to consume all the information that they’re looking for. While that is true, we also encourage all visitors to help us whip this website into shape.
There’s always room for improvement. There’s always a need to take things to the next level because we are serious about delivering solid value to all our visitors regardless of where they come from from all four corners of the globe. To achieve that mission, we need you to step up.
Here are the things we need from you. If you come across information that is obviously obsolete or out of date, do let us know. Fill in the form below so we can get to the bottom of the matter as quickly as possible. The sooner you report out of date information, the sooner we would fix that information.
As much as possible, we try to feature only evergreen content. This is content that would never fade or expire.
Send In New Resources
If through your research you have come across resources about Portugal or traveling to Portugal or saving money in Portugal, we definitely want to know.
Even if those resources are pages on our competitor’s websites, we don’t care. We’d rather post information about Portugal so people can maximize their budget in Portugal and increase the likelihood that they would visit Portugal. In other words, we’re team players. Even though we might end up sending traffic to competitors, our bigger loyalty is to Portugal travel.
We want people to have a good time in Portugal because this country offers so many things. It has so many benefits it brings to the table and it really would be a shame for it to continue to remain one of Europe’s best kept travel secrets.
Help us spread the word and help us enrich everybody else’s travel value and experience by sharing new resources.
Send In Reviews
On any given day, there are lots of people going in and out of Portugal. They’re staying in all sorts of accommodation options. These are all opportunities because regardless of where you stay and regardless of which restaurant you eat at, you have an opportunity to review your experience and the offerings set in front of you.
Do us a big favor and send in your reviews. No review is too short. No review is too badly written. Whatever the case may be, as long as you are clear as to the information contained in your review, we want to get our hands on it.
Share Your Testimonials
Testimonials are very different from reviews. Testimonials are simply personal impressions of what it’s like to travel through Portugal.
Believe us, Portugal is an amazing place and we would like to spread the word even further. People from all four corners of the globe would want new travel destinations and this is why we would like you to share your testimonials as to why people should get on a plane and visit Portugal sooner rather than later.
We Need Your Help In Terms of Quality Control
We’re all about promoting Portugal. We’re crazy about our country, and we would love the world to know. And you definitely play a big role in this mission that we have set for ourselves.
Just like with any website, sometimes links expire. Sometimes we link to a resource and, for some reason or another, they’re no longer paying their domain registration or their domain expired or dropped. These things do happen. So if you are clicking through the many resources that we feature here and you end up on a dead site, do report those dead links to us so we can get to the bottom of the matter as soon as possible.
Also, if you are navigating through the website and you come across some sort of blank page or an obvious under-construction page, do let us know because these issues get in the way of people’s enjoyment of these websites. Report these site design flaws so we can whip this website into shape sooner rather than later.
Let us know about navigation bottlenecks. If you are clicking through the website and there are certain navigation systems that are too confusing, or just too convoluted or complicated, do let us know so we can fix these bottlenecks.
Finally, if you just want to talk about Portugal, this is the place to go. Seriously. Fill out the form below, reach out to us. While we can’t guarantee that we would respond to you immediately, you can bet that we will respond to you within a reasonable period of time.